
Towns taken by night like Valence, Marseille or even Barcelona but you’ll also find views of picturesque villages like Mirmande.

Photographic techniques used

Nights pictures have benn taken with a tripod, at the crack of dawn or juste after sunset. Exposure time may be very different from one shot to another ( from a few seconds to several dozen)

How to shoot lightnings?

A piece of cake ! Put your camera on a tripod, figure out wich aperture to use in order to have several seconds and a good landscape exposure. Then, take several pictures till a flash occurs during the aperture time.

kiosk of Peynet, Christmas lights.

Valence, Drôme ( France )

Mirmande by night

Mirmande, Drôme ( France )

lightning over Marseille's harbour

Marseille, Bouches-du-Rhône ( France )

National Art Museum of Catalonia

Barcelone, Catalogne ( Espagne )

Marseille old Harbourg by night

Marseille, Bouches-du-Rhône ( France )

Old harbor at sunrise time

Marseille, Bouches-du-Rhône ( France )